Dear Fake News Media: Here’s a List of Trump’s Accomplishments You Should Be Covering

Today, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who loves her job…

…really, truly…

…takes great joy in it…

…totally schooled CNN’s resident rabble-rouser Jim Acosta when he had the nerve to ask if President Trump, who’d merely suggested the Senate Intelligence Committee investigate media outlets he considers “fake,” values the First Amendment as much as he values the Second Amendment?” Um, duh.

“Absolutely,” said Sanders. “We’ve seen recent information that says only 5% of media coverage has been positive about this president and this administration while at the same time you have the stock market and economic confidence at an all-time high, ISIS is on the run, unemployment at the lowest it’s been in 17 years, weave cut regulations at historic pace, fixing the VA. With you’ve only found 5% of your time to focus on those big issues. Not a lot of the things you cover, not a lot of the petty palace intrigue that you spend your time on, I think we need to move towards a certainly more fair, more accurate and frankly a more responsible news media for the American people.”

Put that in your pipe of petty palace intrigue and smoke it, Acosta! You heard the president’s position loud and clear: he is 100% supportive of the First Amendment as long as people are saying nice things about him.

And I totally agree — the biased media needs report the wonderful things President Trump has done! Here’s a list to help Acosta and his fake news ilk…

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The Patriot Lady

When I'm not reporting about Making America Great Again, I enjoy concocting delicious libations out of liberal snowflake tears. Yum! Recipe to come.